With its balmy Mediterranean climate and favourable business environment, Malta is the ideal place to relocate your family and/or your business.

A Maltese passport entails freedom of movement in all the Schengen area and access to Malta's extensive Visa travel arrangements with over 160 countries.

Grant Thornton is authorised and regulated by the Government of Malta to handle and submit applications for both citizenship applications as well as residence permits under the various residence programmes available in terms of Maltese law.

Our Citizenship & Residence Planning team (led by Partner Dr Wayne Pisani) has extensive experience and a sterling reputation in the areas of citizenship and residence planning and the handling of legal and tax matters relevant to the structuring and planning of personal wealth and business interests, worldwide.

Our multidisciplinary team can help with all your needs to relocate to Malta:

- Citizenship by naturalisation >

- Acquisition of citizenship by registration >

- Grant of Citizenship for Exceptional Services >

- Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment >


Our Citizenship

Citizenship by naturalisation

The Maltese Citizenship Act (Cap 188) establishes who may become a citizen of Malta by naturalisation, provided that the applicant satisfies the relative provisions.

Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment

With the continuously changing global dynamics and evolving geopolitics, there is an ever-growing number of highly-talented high-net-worth individuals who are willing to invest and relocate to give themselves and their family members the chance to broaden their horizons and become part of a welcoming community.

Grant of Citizenship for Exceptional Services

Malta has enacted legislation which extends to individuals providing excellent or manifestly superior contributions in the fields of science, research, sports, arts and culture as well as people of exceptional interest to the Republic of Malta, the right to become Maltese citizens.

Acquisition of citizenship by registration

The Maltese Citizenship Act (Cap 188) establishes who can register as a citizens of Malta. The Act was amended on 1st August 2007, this making it possible for second and subsequent generations born abroad to acquire Maltese citizenship by registration.

Get in touch
Wayne Pisani
Partner | Head of tax, regulatory and compliance | International Liaison Director
Wayne Pisani
Partner | Head of tax, regulatory and compliance | International Liaison Director
Wayne Pisani