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Malta launches national strategy for research and innovation in energy and water

Malta has launched a national strategy dedicated to research and innovation (R&I) in the field of energy and water. The National Strategy for Research and Innovation in Energy and Water 2021-2030, is intended for researchers, policy-makers, industry and the public at large, and aims at detailing the Government’s vision for R&I in energy and water for the next decade.

This strategy aims to ensure complementarity between national and EU-level policies and programmes as well as alignment with expected developments in the water and energy sectors. The strategy also aims to promote investment across multiple industries throughout value chains, scientific disciplines as well as different actors and stakeholders. Bolstering the support for and guiding the direction of R&I such that it is tailored to local specificities and national priorities, is considered an integral component for development and progress within both the energy and water sectors.

In addition, driving targeted R&I for both excellence and impact will feed into boosting industrial competitiveness and economic development through instruments of knowledge.  

This strategy thus explicitly serves three policy priorities:  

  • contributing to Malta’s transition to sustainability and decarbonisation an effective, just and timely manner;
  • strengthening competitiveness, growth and commercial attractiveness while ensuring a high level of environmental protection and climate change resilience; and
  • increasing the level of domestic support for R&I in Malta

The strategy document can be downloaded here.