Financial statements audits
Financial statements audits
Financial statement reviews
Financial statement reviews
Financial statements compilations
Financial statements compilations
Audit quality monitoring
Audit quality monitoring
Global audit technology
Global audit technology
Systems and risk assurance
Systems and risk assurance
General business consulting
General business consulting
Market research
Market research
Sustainability is indeed a broad concept. Aside from mitigating the environmental changes caused by the interaction of the industrial world and society with nature, social and governance matters are subjected to increased public and government scrutiny, calling for the promotion of a sustainable performance agenda.
Business planning and performance improvement
Business planning and performance improvement
Change and program management
Change and program management
Business intelligence and analytics
Business intelligence and analytics
Business valuation and litigation support
Business valuation and litigation support
Business process outsourcing and consulting
Business process outsourcing and consulting
Family business consulting
Our business solutions for family businesses center on alignment of all aspects of the family and business, including culture, vision, mission, values, governance, ownership, leadership, communication and policy development.
Quantitative small caps
Grant Thornton has a wide professional network with a vast array of technical skills that is coupled with a drive to understand the business problem; we can set up the most efficient financial risk management structure that fits your underlying business structure and your risk appetite.
Data analytics
Data analytics is the process through which businesses leverage data to gain actionable insights and enhance their performance. This is based on a solid foundation of well-organised and accurate data. Many businesses have a large amount of data at their disposal however, most of them do not have the expertise to analyse the available data.
Bookkeeping & financial accounting
Bookkeeping & financial accounting
Payroll and personnel administration
Payroll and personnel administration
Direct and Indirect tax compliance
Tax compliance within outsourcing
Compilation of financial statements
Compilation of financial statements
Business process outsourcing
Business process outsourcing including back office and secretarial
Family business consulting
Family business consulting
Company formation
Company formation
Entities in Malta, including companies, partnerships, foundations, trusts and associations, have an obligation to disclose the ultimate beneficial owner/s (physical person) of the entities. A beneficial owner is defined as the individual (s) who ultimately owns or controls a legal entity or arrangement through direct or indirect ownership of a sufficient percentage of the shares or voting rights or ownership interest in that entity.
Internal audit
Internal audit
Risk management and internal controls consulting
Risk management and internal controls consulting
Governance and risk management
Governance and risk management
Regulatory services
Regulatory services
Risk modelling services
Risk modelling services
Forensic and investigation
Forensic and investigation
Compliance audit
A compliance audit is a detailed review which focuses on whether an organisation is in conformity with statutory laws as well as internal rules and decisions. This type of audit also assesses the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls by identifying weaknesses in compliance processes whilst finding measures to enhance such processes.
Citizenship by naturalisation
The Maltese Citizenship Act (Cap 188) establishes who may become a citizen of Malta by naturalisation, provided that the applicant satisfies the relative provisions.
Citizenship for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment
With the continuously changing global dynamics and evolving geopolitics, there is an ever-growing number of highly-talented high-net-worth individuals who are willing to invest and relocate to give themselves and their family members the chance to broaden their horizons and become part of a welcoming community.
Grant of Citizenship for Exceptional Services
Malta has enacted legislation which extends to individuals providing excellent or manifestly superior contributions in the fields of science, research, sports, arts and culture as well as people of exceptional interest to the Republic of Malta, the right to become Maltese citizens.
Acquisition of citizenship by registration
The Maltese Citizenship Act (Cap 188) establishes who can register as a citizens of Malta. The Act was amended on 1st August 2007, this making it possible for second and subsequent generations born abroad to acquire Maltese citizenship by registration.
Maltese Family Businesses Resource Centre
For over 30 years Grant Thornton’s advisory teams have assisted family businesses in navigating the challenges of leadership and succession across generations
Preparing the next generation for leadership and ownership is an integral part of any succession process. Grant Thornton can help formulate the necessary grooming plan for all the potential successors.
Tax services
Using a combination of reason and instinct, we can work with clients to develop a strategy that helps them understand and manage their tax liability in a transparent and ethical way.
Having a proper governance structure is essential to ensure that the family and business strategies are achieved. Grant Thornton can advise on this, and facilitate the implementation of the ideal governance structure based on the exact scenario.
Ownership succession
Letting go of your family business is difficult for all owners and even more so for founders; however, in a family business the additional challenge presented by the family component increases the complexity of this process. Our team of family business advisors will ensure that such ownership issues are dealt with in an effective and structured approach.
Exit strategies
There are many 'exit strategies' that need to be considered to minimise the risk of conflict. They can arise from the eventual exit of a family member from the ownership ranks and can have many causes. See how we can help.
Management succession
By implementing our family business guidelines to family succession and a proper governance structure, the management succession process can be completed with minimal conflict and will result in the most competent successor being chosen.
DORA Consultancy
Firms within the financial sector face a critical imperative to fortify their operational resilience in the digital sphere. Get ahead & prepare for DORA!
Cyber security Consultancy
Whether you are a multinational corporation, a small business, or an individual, the digital realm holds equal importance for us all.
Digital Transformation
Build a solid foundation to fuel business reinvention and gain the flexibility you need to succeed through digital transformation.
IT Audit and Assurance
Information systems procedures have evolved drastically, but so have hacking techniques. Assess your IT resilience & protect your firm!
Fintech and Innovation
Are you ready to explore the fintech space? Grant Thornton is able to guide you from start to finish.
Case Studies
Digital transformation has transitioned from being an option to a necessity. The race is on... The question is, are you ready?
Operational and financial restructuring and reorganisation
Operational and financial restructuring and reorganisation
Financial regulatory services
Financial regulatory services
GDPR consultancy
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have transformed the way we handle personal data. This regulation is a game-changer for businesses operating within the EU, or the handling of EU citizens' data worldwide.
Ship and aircraft registration
Ship and aircraft registration
Medical cannabis licensing in Malta
A study published in 2018 by market intelligence and strategic consultancy firm Prohibition Partners, has forecasted that the European cannabis market will be valued €115.7 billion by 2028. According to the same study, while patient numbers are currently below 100,000 across the region, their number is set to grow to over 30 million in the next decade. In 2018 Malta introduced a bill to legalise the use of medical marijuana and attract companies willing to produce high-grade medical cannabis for the European market.
Trust and trustee services
As an entrepreneur, business owner, parent or guardian, you will want to ensure that whatever happens in the future, the rewards from your hard work can be protected as efficiently as possible. Grant Thornton Fiduciaire Limited (Grant Thornton) understands this and provides a professional and holistic trust management service.
Family trusts
The law establishes the requirement of a license for one to be able to act as a trustee subject to certain limited exceptions. One such exception is found in the Rules for Trustees of Family Trusts which provide for an exception to this rule where a trust is set up to hold property settled by a settlor or settlors for the present and future needs of family members or of family dependants who are clearly identifiable.
Grant Thornton is authorised and regulated by the Government of Malta to handle and submit applications for both citizenship applications as well as residence permits under the various residence programmes available in terms of Maltese law.
Ordinary residency in Malta
Any EU, EEA or third country national who resides in Malta for more than 3 months is obliged to apply for a Residence Permit. There are various grounds upon which an applicant may apply to require a residence permit, including: Self-Sufficiency, Employment or Self-Employment, Family Members, Permanent Residence, Study Purposes.
Qualifying Employment in Aviation Rule
Malta provides qualified persons employed in the field of aviation with an opportunity to enjoy a 15% flat personal tax rate on income generated from their direct employment in Malta. For a candidate to qualify, their annual income must exceed €45,000. This does not include the value of fringe benefits and applies to the derived income received from an eligible office.
Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity (Personal Tax) (Amendment) Rules, 2019
These Rules allows persons employed in a role directly engaged in carrying out, or management of research, development, design, analytical or innovation activities, to enjoy a 15% flat personal tax rate on income generated from their direct employment in Malta.
Qualifying Employment in Maritime and Offshore Oil & Gas Industry Rule
Malta provides qualified persons employed in the field of aviation, with an opportunity to enjoy a 15% flat personal tax rate on income generated from their direct employment in Malta.
Nomad Residence Permit
The NOMAD residence permit, which was launched in June 2021, allows third-country nationals who would normally require a Visa to travel to Malta, to retain their current employment based in another country whilst legally residing on the island.

Direct international tax
Direct international tax
Indirect international tax
Indirect international tax
Global mobility services
Global mobility services
Transfer pricing
Transfer pricing
Estate planning
Estate planning
Wealth advisory
Wealth advisory
Regulatory and legal
Regulatory and legal
Corporate tax services
Corporate services
At its simplest, VAT is a tax on consumption and is a multi-stage tax (ie applied at every stage of the production process), which is applied to both goods (ie tangible property) and services. Additionally, although the tax is ultimately borne by the consumer (by getting included in the price paid), responsibility for charging, collecting and passing the tax on to the tax authorities, rests with the supplier.
2018 Amendments of the Income Tax Act
The following is a brief overview of the new tax provisions introduced in 2018 by the Budget Implementation Act (Act VII of 2018) and other legislative enactments
Mergers and acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions
ESEF Reporting
Our ESEF reporting service is tailored to assist listed companies in complying with the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) requirements. As of 2020, ESEF is mandated for annual financial reports of issuers with securities listed on regulated markets. We provide services for mapping the taxonomy and generating audit/regulator-ready xHTML reports.
Prospects MTF
As of 2016, small and medium-sized enterprises in Malta can access the capital markets through Prospects - a market of the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) designed specifically for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME). Prospects offers a cost-effective opportunity for entities looking to raise up to €5 million per issue.
Project financing
Project financing
Due diligence
Due diligence
Foreign direct investment
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of international investment that echoes the objective of obtaining a lasting interest by an investor in one economy in an enterprise resident in another economy.
Wholesale Securities Market
WSM is a joint venture between the Malta Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange, combining the best of each partner’s processes and technical skills.
The Maltese Government is constantly remaining to improve the position as the best place to do business within the aviation industry through exhaustive tax agreements, powerful legislation, and many aviation professionals. This is the best time for airlines, financiers and aircraft owners to be located in Malta.
For Maritime, Grant Thornton provide direction with regards to VAT guidelines for yacht leasing, as well as ship and aircraft registration.
We offer a broad range of services relating to automotive, ranging from Transaction advisory, access to finance, business advisory, process and inventory management, tax advisory, audit and advisory, outsourced support services.
Gaming Regulations
Malta recently overhauled the framework regulating the iGaming sector. Going forward operators will still be required to obtain authorisation to carry out regulated activities.
Licensing Process
Prior to submission all applicants are advised to go through a pre-application process with one of the MGA’s Licensing Officers. This will ensure that the application has been correctly compiled and all the key ingredients are present.
Malta Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
As part of the 2019 budget, the government has pledged to introduce a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) framework in Malta.
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) II
MiFID II aims to protect investors and make sure that financial markets operate in the fairest and most transparent way possible. Building on stock and investment trading regulation introduced in 2007 it sets to ensure a more integrated financial market.
Fintech and Innovation
At Grant Thornton we help innovative firms and entities operating in the fintech space launch new propositions and grow their business. We also help established businesses transform and take advantage of the fintech revolution.
Asset Management
At Grant Thornton we help innovative firms and entities operating in the fintech space launch new propositions and grow their business. We also help established businesses transform and take advantage of the fintech revolution.
Grant Thornton combines local insight with global scale to help banks meet regulatory expectations, improve technology, and finance the right companies. If you’re looking for a partner in the banking industry, our expertise can make a difference
Research findings
The purpose of the study is to raise awareness of the need to improve board gender diversity (BGD) in Maltese equity-listed entities (MLEs) and large public sector entities[1] (LPSEs)[2] .
The road to becoming a director is perceived to be smoother for males than for females. Both in Malta and the rest of the EU, directors have become “type-casted as males” (Camilleri, 2019, p.58[3], European Institute for Gender Equality 2021[4]) since many corporate boards have just one or a limited number of female directors, if any (Psaila, 2019[5]; Torchia et al., 2011[6]).
The first objective of this study was to identify and assess the barriers to BGD in MLEs and LPSEs and analyse the extent of BGD presence therein. BGD barriers were found to mainly result from four main areas.
These are: (i) historical and cultural influences including patriarchal structures, gender stereotyping - especially that involving male stereotyping of board directors - and also strong family traditions; (ii) limited existing networks owing to country smallness and scarce visibility of females; (iii) lack of mentors offering guidance to females; and (iv) the inequitable sharing of childcare responsibilities between parents rendering work-life balance difficult for females.
Additional barriers were noted to arise from the composition of shareholders. When the majority of shares are family owned, family traditions can easily create difficulties in nominating female candidates. In addition, if the majority of shareholders are foreigners, their local culture may influence the composition of the board against female directors. Another obstacle was found to be that of having to counterbalance the legal right of shareholders to appoint directors with the appropriate calibre with the need for gender diversity.
It was also noted that other potential barriers may arise from the type of industry in which the entity operates as it may require specialised skills and knowledge that are traditionally male-dominated. The Covid-19 pandemic has also caused greater challenges for women owing to increased household care responsibilities.
On average, MLE/LPSEreps were neutral as to the presence of BGD in MLEs and LPSEs, indicating their undecidedness as to the extent to which BGD is found in all the entities. The mean rating scores relating to the extent to which BGD is found to be present, which were allotted to LPSEs in general and to the respondent own entities varied significantly among the groups. While LPSEreps agreed that BGD was present in LPSEs in general, MLEreps were undecided about this.
Furthermore, while LPSEreps also agreed that BGD was present in their own entities, MLEreps were also undecided about this. This indicates that the positive perceptions by LPSEreps of BGD presence in LPSEs in general and in their own entities are generally higher than those perceived by MLEreps. In this context, the female/male ratio extracted by the author from published data[7] (as at 30th September, 2021) in public sector entity boards was 25:75 while the specific ratio of LPSEs was 29:71. Both such ratios were much higher than the female/male ratio of 12:88 found in MLEs as at the same date.
The second objective of this study was to assess the perceived implications of BGD on board effectiveness (BE) in such entities. Respondents mostly agreed that a variety of skills and personalities resulting from BGD will have the most positive impact on BE. Both males and females have different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences which is beneficial for the board.
Moreover, respondents agreed that BE will be positively impacted by the minimisation, if not prevention, of groupthink that is likely to result from BGD. With a gender-balanced board, other options may be considered that otherwise would not have been evaluated. Nonetheless, respondents perceived BGD to be least positively impacting on more regular attendance at board meetings.
Some respondents were against the notion of achieving a female critical mass. However, the levels at which most respondents perceived the female critical mass to be typically reached in a board for such a board to be likely to benefit varied from having a 50:50 female/male ratio to a 33:67 ratio or 60:40 ratio of the board being females or two female directors. A few respondents added that while they were quantifying such a mass, they also held that what mostly matters is that there is a “reasonable representation” from both genders on the board.
Significant associations were made by respondents of characteristics/conditions either to females but not to males or to males but not to females. Those respondents who associated characteristics/conditions to females but not to males varied from:
- 15 or 51.7% of all respondents in multi-tasking, to
- 12 or 41.4% in eye for detail, to
- 8 or 27.6% in ethical behaviour, to
- 5 or 17.2% in being unnecessarily subjected to board scrutiny and to
- 4 or 13.8% in being unnecessarily subjected to board expectations.
Contrastingly, those respondents who associated characteristics/conditions to males but not to females varied from:
- 13 or 44.8% of all respondents in risk-taking, to
- 10 or 34.5% in mobility, to
- 7 or 24.1% in seeing the overall picture and to
- 5 or 17.2% in being practical.
Several respondents associated three other characteristics with females which were:
- emotional orientation which in the opinion of some rendered board relations somewhat more complex. According to the other respondents, such orientation rendered the board as more likely to consider the impact of sensitive decisions such as those relating to employees.
- better preparation for board meetings.
- more approachability.
On average MLE/LPSEreps were neutral in the overall impact of BGD on BE indicating their undecidedness as to the extent to which BGD is impacting on BE. The mean rating scores relating to the extent to which BGD is impacting on BE, which were allotted to the respondent own entities varied significantly among the groups. While LPSEreps felt that BGD is positively impacting in their own entities, MLEreps were undecided about this.
This indicates that the positive perceptions by LPSEreps of the impact of BGD in their own entities are generally higher than those perceived by MLEreps in their own entities.
The third objective of this study was to recommend how the level of BGD may be improved.
The general view was that, if implemented, quotas will address female under-representation on the board. However, only a few respondents, of whom three were males and five were females, perceived quotas as a “necessary evil” so as to get the ball rolling. The remaining respondents, of whom sixteen were males and five were females, felt that quotas are not the way forward.
Several respondents expressed the opinion that, like every other role, appointments should be solely based on what one can contribute to the board in terms of skills, competence, and experience. Females who may not have the “right talent” could still end up on the board for the purpose of complying with the quota. Therefore, quotas were perceived to have a “counterproductive effect” on the company’s effectiveness and the responsibilities towards shareholders.
Quotas were found to be “somewhat offensive” towards women because “on their own merit they can go places”. If quotas are in place, females might become stereotyped. The appointed female director could be very knowledgeable and capable, but this would become irrelevant as the impression would be that they are present on the board undeservedly. While quotas have worked in Nordic countries, such countries do not have a “macho” culture as is the case in Malta.
It may be useless to impose a quantum because although the female talent pool is currently improving it is as yet deemed to be insufficient.
Furthermore, a female appointed by quota might tend to be less included in the decision-making of the board. While it should not be more difficult for females to reach directorship roles, this should neither be made easier by giving a competitive advantage to women through the implementation of quotas. Rather than “hiding” the present difficulties by implementing quotas, these should be tackled by deep analysis.
Gathering Data
Primary data was collected from the MBR and also from public company information so as to analyse what the current female/male ratio on the boards of MLEs and public sector entities is. Secondary data was gathered from a variety of sources which was then used to create an interview schedule. Prior to starting the process of interviewing participants, a pilot interview was carried out to assess the interview schedule’s feasibility as well as identify and address potential difficulties in practice.
The Official List as at 30th September, 2021 was obtained from the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) website so as to determine all the MLEs listed on the MSE. In addition, the list of public sector entities as at the same date was obtained from a public website offered by the Government. All public sector entities were contacted via email or their telephone number to find out whether they employed 250 or more direct employees so as to determine whether or not such entities were to be included in the research.
After all the entities eligible to participate were determined, the Malta Business Registry (MBR) website and public company information were used to determine who are their company secretaries and directors. To contact the potential respondents, email addresses were obtained from company websites and the MSE website.
A total of 29 interviews were conducted. From such interviews, 20 were conducted with their respective MLEreps and a further six interviews were conducted with their respective LPSEreps. Research participants were determined to be company secretaries, board directors, and regular participants in board meetings (including chief officers, assistants to the company secretaries and a financial controller) since such participants are expected to be familiar with the mechanism of the board and Corporate Governance practices of the respective MLEs and LPSEs.
Three other interviews were conducted with representatives of three institutions as their contribution was thought to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the research area. To counteract for any biased perspectives, it was crucial to interview both male and female participants, as shown in the table below:
Respondents participating in the research
The interviews were conducted between the 5th of November 2021 and the 15th of February 2022 at a date, time and place most convenient for the respondents. Due to the recurring COVID-19 pandemic, participants were asked whether they prefer to hold the interview virtually rather than physically and if so, which online meeting platform they prefer to use. Indeed, almost all interviews were held via Microsoft Teams or Zoom except for two interviews.
The interview schedule was shared with the respondents prior to the interview and a copy was always displayed throughout the interviews which lasted between half-an-hour and two hours. Most of the participants were eager to delve deeper into the topic and pointed out some very interesting points throughout the interviewing process. It was interesting to note the different perspectives of male and female participants working in different sectors within the private and public sector. Respondents were asked to give their consent to audio-record the interview and all accepted. Audio-recorded interviews were transcribed to get the most out of the interviews.
The sources of qualitative data were the open-ended questions included in the interview schedule and any additional comments made by respondents following their ratings to the Likert scale questions. Evaluation of such qualitative data was completed by a summary of the transcripts of respondent replies and comments which facilitated spotting similarities and disparities in their answers. Furthermore, the analysis of the respondents’ additional comments, following their ratings to each Likert scale question, was mainly focused on the more important aspects.
The source of quantitative data comprised of close-ended questions which included a five-point Likert scale. The quantitative data gathered was then analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics.
Efforts were made to interview at least one representative from each MLE and LPSE. However, a limitation of the study was that, while all six LPSEs accepted to be interviewed, two of the potential 26 MLEreps refused to participate while a further four failed to respond, this limiting the number of MLEreps to 20. A further limitation concerned the fact that subjectivity in the responses of respondents was unavoidable. In addition, slight discrepancies were noted between the ratings given to some of the Likert scale questions and the corresponding comments.
We encourage readers to watch this space, to find out what conclusions were reached, as well as what recommendations could be given to Maltese public authorities to mitigate the effects of patriarchal structures.
[1] LPSEs include corporate or banking entities that engage 250 or more direct employees and in which the Government has at least 51% ownership.
[2] A mixed-methods research approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with representatives from MLEs (20 entities), LPSEs (6 entities) and relevant Institutions (Institreps) in Malta (3 institutions), making up a total of 29 participants. Such participants consisted of company secretaries, directors, regular participants in board meetings and high-ranking officials from the institutions selected.
[3] CAMILLERI, J., 2019. The composition of the board of directors: a study. M.A. Dissertation, Malta: University of Malta. Available: https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/handle/123456789/49860.
[4] EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR GENDER EQUALITY, 2021-last update, Gender Statistics Database, [Online]. Available: https://eige.europa.eu/gender-statistics/dgs/indicator/wmidm_bus_bus__wmid_comp_compbm/datatable [Sep 11, 2021].
[5] PSAILA, P., 2019-last update, Hard and Soft Skills for Career Success: Women at Work [The Malta Institute of Accountants], [Online]. Available: https://www.miamalta.org/the-accountant/spring-2019/8233641 [Aug 30, 2021].
[6] TORCHIA, M., CALABRÒ, A. and HUSE, M., 2011. Women Directors on Corporate Boards: From Tokenism to Critical Mass. Journal of business ethics, 102(2), pp.299–317. DOI: 10.1007/sl0551-011-0815-z.
[7] GOVERNMENT SERVICES AND INFORMATION, 2021-last update, Officially appointed bodies [gov.mt], [Online]. Available: https://www.gov.mt/en/Government/Government%20of%20Malta/Ministries%20and%20Entities/Officially%20Appointed%20Bodies/Pages/Companies/1-OAB-Companies.aspx [Sep 30, 2021].