Systems and risk assurance

Nowadays a business environment is very different than how it used to be; it is more complex and connected. Companies not only face new and unknown risks, but also new and untapped opportunities. Our team is at the forefront of this change, ready to change how you perceive and capitalise risk.

Our certified internal auditors have extensive first-hand experience and hold appropriate professional licences. Not only do we identify issues, but we work with management to implement tailored solutions in search of helping entities achieve their goals.

We have developed a logical, focused methodology and approach to internal audit planning, testing and reporting and are able to provide a range of internal audit services and skills suited to your organisation's particular needs.

These include:

  • The provision of a complete managed service
  • A partnership arrangement to complement existing in-house services with additional auditor man-days or management support
  • The preparation of risk analyses and audit needs assessments to focus your internal audit strategy
  • A "health check" on existing internal audit services
  • Assistance with implementing and achieving good corporate governance procedures
  • Operational reviews and fraud investigations
  • Assistance with the implementation of an internal audit function, following a standard audit approach
  • Support for filling internal audit appointments
  • Assessment of internal audit training needs for your in-house team