Business valuation and litigation support

What is your business worth?

Although valuing the business may not be at the top of your ‘to-do’ list, there are many excellent business and investment reasons why you should undertake the valuation process. These include:

• planning an exit strategy
• joint ventures and strategic partnerships
• buy/sell agreements
• mergers and acquisitions
• private funding and financing
• employee stock ownership plans
• marital dissolutions

Whatever the reason, valuing your business can ultimately bring financial rewards far beyond the cost of undertaking the process. A business valuation determines the estimated market value of a business entity.

At Grant Thornton, business valuations are carried out by qualified, independent professionals who combine proven scientific techniques with an analysis and understanding of the company and its associated industry, and judgement and intuition, honed by education, training and experience. The resulting valuation, part science and part art, is a well-founded estimate that represents the price that informed buyers and sellers would negotiate at arm’s length for an entire business or for a partial equity interest.

All our valuations are fully documented with a dear explanation of the methodology used and conclusions reached from our analysis at each stage of the valuation process. Apart from presenting a fair market value of the business, our valuations provide clients with an independent and deeper insight into their business that is invaluable for strategic planning purposes.